Single & Album Covers


26 June 2021


Various Artists

My Role

Design Lead

Project Type

Print Design, Social Media Design, Advertising

Changing the world one tune at a time!

Representing the music through the artwork on display.

The problem

Glasgow’s underground indie rock bands needed artworks that truly represented them for there new music.



What I did

  • Facilitating mini-workshops to create a vision for the indie bands, defining the vision, aims of what they wanted to achieve,
  • Brainstormed ideas with the various bands to get them involved in the design process,
  • Designed and developed the visual brand for the various bands,
  • Created the visuals on the record sleeves.

The impact

  • The artists where proud of there new music had a face,
  • Increased sales by 75% to the albums via social media and Spotify,
  • Raised awareness of the new music,
  • Created an community through the artwork and the music.

Lessons learned

  • You should always lead the conversation otherwise it can get led off track other wise,
  • Some of the bands would rather you take it off of there hands, instead of them being involved in the design process.

My Approach - Design-Led Problem Solving


Understanding the ask, building an knowledge library around what we already know.


Doing research and identify opportunities.

Ideate and Test

Develop and design new ideas to solutions.

Develop and Deliver

Share the outcomes and results of the new outcome.